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Common Name: Papyrus Print Alga
Maltese Name: Alga tal-Istilel
Specific NameAnadyomene stellata
Family: Anadyomenaceae

Thallus Shape
Branching: No Visible Branching
Colour: Green
Other Features: Fanned Cell Rows







Common Name: Green Grape Alga
Maltese Name: Gheneb tal-Bahar
Specific NameCaulerpa racemosa
Family: Caulerpaceae

Thallus Shape: Stipitate, Stoloniferous
Branching: Irregular
Colour: Green
Other Features: Grape-like

Common Name: Cladophora
Maltese Name: Xuxa Hadra tal-Blat
Specific NameCladophora sp.
Family: Cladophoraceae

Thallus Shape: Branched
Branching: Irregular
Colour: Green

Common Name: Hairy Sand Weed
Maltese Name: Denb il-Qattus
Specific NameCladostephus spongiosus
Family: Cladostephaceae

Thallus Shape: Branched
Branching: Dichotomous
Colour: Brown

Common Name: Sponge Ball Alga
Maltese Name: Alga sponza
Specific NameCodium bursa
Family: Codiaceae

Thallus Shape: Spherical
Branching: No Visible Branching
Colour: Green
Other Features: Soft Texture

Common Name: Y-Twig Algae
Maltese Name: Zkuk tal-Bahar
Specific NameAmphiroa rigida
Family: Corallinaceae

Thallus Shape: Branched, Filamentous
Branching: Dichotomous
Colour: Brown, Pink/Purple, Red, White
Other Features: Partially Calcified

Common Name: Coral Weed
Maltese Name: Korallina 
Specific NameCorallina elongata
Family: Corallinaceae

Thallus Shape: Branched, Filamentous
Branching: Pinnate
Colour: Pink/Purple, White
Other Features: Partially Calcified

Common Name: Jania
Maltese Name: Janja
Specific NameJania rubens
Family: Corallinaceae

Thallus Shape: Branched, Filamentous, Stipitate
Branching: Dichotomous
Colour: Brown, Pink/Purple, White
Other Features: Partially Calcified

Common Name: Finger Seaweed
Maltese Name: Swaba Hodor tal-Bahar
Specific NameDasycladus vermicularis
Family: Dasycladaceae

Thallus Shape: Finger-like
Branching: No Visible Branching
Colour: Green

Common Name: Forkweed
Maltese Name: Furkettun tal-Bahar
Specific NameDictyota dichotoma
Family: Dictyotaceae

Thallus Shape: Bladed, Branched
Branching: Dichotomous
Colour: Brown, Green, Yellow/ Orange

Common Name: Forkweed
Maltese Name: Furkettun tal-Bahar
Specific NameDictyota fasciola
Family: Dictyotaceae

Thallus Shape: Bladed, Branched
Branching: Dichotomous
Colour: Brown, Green, Yellow/ Orange
Other Features: Spiral

Common Name: Forkweed
Maltese Name: Furkettun tal-Bahar
Specific NameDictyota linearis
Family: Dictyotaceae

Thallus Shape: Branched, Filamentous
Branching: Dichotomous
Colour: Brown, Green, Yellow/ Orange

Common Name: Spiral Forkweed
Maltese Name: Furkettun Spirali tal-Bahar
Specific NameDictyota spiralis
Family: Dictyotaceae

Thallus Shape: Branched
Branching: Dichotomous
Colour: Brown, Green, Yellow/ Orange
Other Features: Spiral
Common Name: Netted Wing Weed
Maltese Name: Habaq il-Bahar
Specific NameDictyopteris polypodioides
Family: Dictyotaceae

Thallus Shape: Branched
Branching: Dichotomous
Colour: Brown, Green, Yellow/ Orange
Other Features: Visible Mid-rib

Common Name: Peacock's Tail
Maltese Name: Denb il-Pagun
Specific NamePadina pavonica
Family: Dictyotaceae

Thallus Shape: Fan-Shaped/ Funnel-Shaped
Branching: No Visible Branching
Colour: Brown, White,
Other Features: Concentric Bands

All the material found in this website is under copyright of the authors of this site- Daphne Agius, Sephora Debono / /Malta. (2012-2014)

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