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Common Name: Pine Spurge
Maltese Name: Tenghud Komuni
Specific Name: Euphorbia pinea
Family: Euphorbiaceae
Status: Indigenous, Common

Flower Colour: Yellow
Number of Petals: NA
Leaf Shape: Lanceolate
Leaf Margin: Smooth

Common Name: Grey Bird’s Foot Trefoil
Maltese Name: Ghantux tal-Blat
Specific Name: Lotus cytisoides
Family: Fabaceae
Status: Indigenous, Common

Flower Colour: Yellow
Number of Petals: NA
Leaf Shape: Ovate
Leaf Margin: Smooth

Common Name: Hairy Sea Heath
Maltese Name: Erba Franka
Specific Name: Frankenia hirsuta
Family: Frankeniaceae
Status: Indigenous, Frequent

Flower Colour: Pink/ Purple
Number of Petals: 5
Leaf Shape: Linear
Leaf Margin: Smooth

Common Name: Mallow-Leaved Stork's Bill
Maltese Name: Moxt
Specific Name: Erodium malacoides
Family: Geraniaceae
Status: Indigenous, Very Common

Flower Colour: Pink/ Purple
Number of Petals: 5
Leaf Shape: Ovate
Leaf Margin: Serrate

Common Name: Sand Crocus
Maltese Name: Zaghfran tal-Blat Komuni
Specific Name: Romulea ramiflora
Family: Iridaceae
Status: Indigenous, Common

Flower Colour: Pink/ Purple
Number of Petals: 6
Leaf Shape: Linear
Leaf Margin: Smooth

Common Name: Sea Squill
Maltese Name: Basal ta' l-Ghansar
Specific Name: Urginea pancration
Family: Liliaceae
Status: Indigenous, Common

Flower Colour: White
Number of Petals: >10
Leaf Shape: Lanceolate or Linear
Leaf Margin: Smooth

Common Name: Tree Mallow
Maltese Name: Hobbejza tas-Sigra
Specific Name: Lavatera arborea
Family: Malvaceae
Status: Doubtful Origin, Common

Flower Colour: Pink/ Purple
Number of Petals: 5
Leaf Shape: Palmate
Leaf Margin: Undulate

Common Name: Blue/ Scarlet Pimpernel
Maltese Name: Harira Kahla/ Hamra
Specific Name: Anagallis arvensis
Family: Myrsinaceae
Status: Indigenous, Common

Flower Colour: Blue or Red
Number of Petals: 5
Leaf Shape: Ovate
Leaf Margin: Smooth

Common Name: Cape Sorrel
Maltese Name: Haxixa Ingliza
Specific Name: Oxalis pes-caprae
Family: Oxalidaceae
Status: Naturalised Alien, Very Common

Flower Colour: Yellow
Number of Petals: 5
Leaf Shape: Trifoliate
Leaf Margin: Smooth

Common Name: Mediterranean Plantain
Maltese Name: Bizbula Komuni
Specific Name: Plantago lagopus
Family: Plantaginaceae
Status: Indigenous, Very Common

Flower Colour: White
Number of Petals: NA
Leaf Shape: Lanceolate
Leaf Margin: Smooth

Common Name: Zerapha's Sea Lavender
Maltese Name: Limonju ta' Zerafa
Specific Name: Limonium zeraphae
Family: Plumbaginaceae
Status: Indigenous, Endemic, Scarce

Flower Colour: Pink/ Purple
Number of Petals: 5
Leaf Shape: Linear
Leaf Margin: Smooth

Common Name: Hare's Tail Barley
Maltese Name: Denb il-Fenek
Specific Name: Hordeum leporinum
Family: Poaceae
Status: Indigenous, Very Common

Flower Colour: Green
Number of Petals: NA
Leaf Shape: Linear
Leaf Margin: Smooth

Common Name: Shrub Tobacco
Maltese Name: Tabakk tas-Swar
Specific Name: Nicotiana glauca
Family: Solanaceae
Status: Naturalised Alien, Frequent

Flower Colour: Yellow
Number of Petals: NA
Leaf Shape: Ovate
Leaf Margin: Smooth

Common Name: African Tamarix
Maltese Name: Bruka
Specific Name: Tamarix africana
Family: Solanaceae
Status: Naturalised Alien, Scarce

Flower Colour: White
Number of Petals: NA
Leaf Shape: Linear
Leaf Margin: Smooth

Common Name: Horn-of-plenty
Maltese Name: Sieq il-Hamiema
Specific Name: Fedia cornucopiae
Family: Valerianaceae
Status: Indigenous, Common

Flower Colour: Pink/ Purple
Number of Petals: NA
Leaf Shape: Ovate
Leaf Margin: Smooth

Common Name: Yellow Aloe
Maltese Name: Sabbara
Specific Name: Aloe vera
Family: Xanthorraceae
Status: Naturalised Alien, Very Rare

Flower Colour: Yellow
Number of Petals: NA
Leaf Shape: Lanceolate or Linear
Leaf Margin: Prickly


All the material found in this website is under copyright of the authors of this site- Daphne Agius, Sephora Debono / /Malta. (2012-2014)

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