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Species Catalogue

A species catalagoue comprised of examples of flora and fauna found during the appraisal of the five chosen sites of the Maltese rocky shoreline was compiled.
The catalogue is divided into the following sections (accessed via the corresponding pictures below or via the drop-down menu under the Catalgoue menu button) :
References for Species Identification and Description
Braune, W., & Guiry, M. D. (2011). Seaweeds: A colour guide to common benthic green, brown and red algae of the world's oceans. Königstein, Germany: Sale and marketing by Koeltz Scientific Books.
Lanfranco, E., Baldacchino, A. E., Dandria, D., Lanfranco, G., Lanfranco, S., Mifsud, C., . . . Schembri, P. J. (2002). Wildlife of the Maltese Islands (2nd ed.). J. Sultana, & V. Falzon (Ed.). Malta, Malta: Birdlife.
Mifsud, S. MaltaWildPlants. Retrieved from
Rodríguez, P. C., Ballesteros, E., Boisset, F., & Alfonso, C. J. (2013). Guía de las macroalgas y fanerógamas marinas del Mediterráneo Occidental. Barcelona, Spain: Omega.


Algae (A-F)

Algae (A-F)

Algae (G-Z)

Algae (G-Z)

Plants (A-D)

Plants (A-D)

Plants (E-Z)

Plants (E-Z)







Other Animals

Other Animals

All the material found in this website is under copyright of the authors of this site- Daphne Agius, Sephora Debono / /Malta. (2012-2014)

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