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Malta Rocky Beaches

Common Name: Sea Slater
Maltese Name: Dudu tas-Sajd
Specific Name: Ligia italica
Family: Ligiidae
Size: 1- 2 cm
Colour: Brownish (becomes pale or darker according to background)
Habitat: Rocky shores, close to waterline
Status: Very Common
Common Name: Mediterranean Rock Crab
Maltese Name: Granc tax-Xatt
Specific Name: Pachygrapsus sp.
Family: Grapsidae
Size: Varies between species
Colour: Brown to Dark Green
Habitat: Upper to middle shore

Common Name: Hermit Crab
Maltese Name: Granc tal-Bebbuxu
Specific Name: Pagurus sp.
Family: Paguridae
Size: Varies between species
Colour: Varies between species
Habitat: Shallow sublittoral to deep waters
Common Name: Glass Prawn
Maltese Name: Gamblu tax-Xatt
Specific Name: Palaemon elegans
Family: Palaemonidae
Size: 3-4 cm
Colour: Translucent with dark yellow-brown and black bands
Habitat: Rocky bottoms up to 10 m, frequently in rock pools
Status: Frequent
Common Name: Flattened Barnacle
Maltese Name: Koccla Catta
Specific Name: Chtamalus depressus
Family: Chtamalidae
Size: 1-1.5 cm
Colour: Whitish-grey
Habitat: Splash zone
Status: Common

Common Name: Spiny Crab
Maltese Name: Grottlu
Specific Name: Eriphia verrucosa
Family: Xanthidae
Size: 8- 10 cm
Colour: Brown to Dark Green
Habitat: Shore in cracks and deep water
Status: Common
Sea Slaters
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